Friday, July 25, 2008

1 year photo shoot

Well again we took Gabe to have his pictures taken and he did great!!! He is such a ham and loves to have his picture taken. Here are all the ones we bought.

He loved the "O" but wanted nothing to do with the "N" and the "E". We had to get him posed then I would throw them in the shot.

This was really cute mostly because you could see his teeth (he now has 8)!

Such a handsome dude!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Doctor Stats

I took Gabe to the doctor last week for his 1 year check-up and like always he's perfect (hahha)!! He is 31 1/2 inches tall (93%), 22 lbs. 9 ozs. (50%) and his head is 47 cm (70%).
So he is still tall and lean, just right!!!! Dr. Ghayal was very proud that he was already sleeping in his big boy bed and that he was drinking only whole milk from a sippy, not bottle anymore.
He did have to get shots again and didn't like that but was over it as soon as I picked him up and gave him a hug and kiss. I really think that having to lay on his back and being held down makes him more angry then the actual shots do.
Gabe is talking so much now and it is really funny!! He loves saying "WOW" and says it for everything! He also started saying "Pop Pop" which of course makes his Pop Pop very happy. Michael is showing him how to jump and he says "jump" when he tries to do it. Pretty much anything I say he repeats and sometimes it sounds a lot like the word and it is so neat.
He is really growing up and I keep wondering where my little baby went!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Crash & Burn

Michael and I had to go to the storage unit on Monday night to find our luggage for the beach trip next weekend. It was the first time Gabe has ever been there and been to run around. So we were busy trying to pull our bags out from the back and he took off running before I could turn around. The slit slope messed Gabe up and he fell and tore his forehead up!!! He only cried for a second and took off running as soon as I let him down.

It looked really bad and still does. Taking him out in public is fun, we get some bad looks!!! Kids fall and they hurt themselves it happens!!!
He isn't too worried about it, he's a ruff and tuff boy!!

Snuggle Bug

Gabe has always self soothed and put himself to sleep since 3 weeks old, so in turn has never really wanted to be rocked to sleep (which is fine with me). Well this past week he has fallen asleep sitting with me twice and it is so sweet Michael had to take pictures.

What a sweet little face!!

Independence Day!!

Our 4th of July was very relaxed and nice. Aaron, Angela, Charles and Isabella came over for lunch and to just hang out. Gabe loves having his cousins around to play with and had tons of fun. He really loves baby Isabella and just smiles and laughs when he sees her. He will give her kisses and that is the sweetest thing!!

Gabe has turned into quite a snuggler and it is pretty sweet!! Michael loves holding Isabella but never seems to get to as much as he'd like since we are all baby hogs!!

We just had a really nice relaxing day with the family.
We did do fireworks later with Gabe and liked them fine the loud noises he wasn't crazy about but liked the colors. He really liked sparklers and wanted to grab them!!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Bucket Head

Gabe got 2 buckets, for building sandcastles in, for his birthday. He either is carrying them around full of stuff or they are on his head!!

It is so hilarious when he does it because he is constantly laughing the whole time under the bucket. He must stare at the floor though since he rarely runs into stuff. It is so funny I just die laughing and then it makes him laugh harder and continue doing it!!!

This was just an adorable picture I had to put on. I got it because Gabe likes me to take a picture of him on the camera and then he looks at them. He loves looking at himself, it's so cute!!!