Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Maxin' and Relaxin'!

These pictures were just too cute not to post!!
I put Gabe in PopPop's recliner and he did the rest all by himself...

WOW, my kid is adorable!!

Bouncey Fun

Gabe loves playing in his bouncey seat and has learned to do all the things on it. I can never seem to have the camera ready when he is doing them.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

3 months

Well it is hard to believe that my little peanut is already 3 months old. Everyday he is changing so much and learning new things. Since he doesn't go back to the doctor till he's 4 months I did a little measuring of my own. By my calculations he is 24 1/4 inches tall and weighs about 13 lbs. Of course these may be off but at least they are better than nothing.

He has much better control now of his arms and legs, not as jerky as he used to be. He can grab hold of his toys when sitting in his Bumbo and also move all the toys on his saucer how they all go. We are also pretty sure Gabe is starting to teeth now, he is drooling so much!!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Changing Table Fun

Yay, another video!!
Gabe loves to be on his changing table, he kicks and kicks his feet.
When I put the camera in his face he stops talking as much, I guess he has stage fright.

P.S Also the other videos that come up that say they are related are not. When using YouTube you can't keep them from showing up. Please ignore, any videos of Gabe will be blogged!!

Gabe's Video Debut

It has taken me forever to figure out how to post videos so here goes nothing.
I thought it would be nice for all those who have never met Gabe so that you can get to see him in action.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Busy Boy!

It is so hard to pick what pictures to put on here sometimes, so this way
I can put them all!!
He is getting so big and is so busy all the time!!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

2 months- a little late!

Well Gabe had his 2 month doctor visit on august 21st (the same day as PopPop's accident) so we are a little late blogging about it.

At the doctor he had to get 4 shots, 1 of which was oral. The other 3 were horrible, he screamed at the top of his lungs and I felt like a horrible mother for letting them do that to my little peanut. He got over by the time I picked him up off the table he just layed his head on my chest, it was really sweet.He weighed in at 11lbs 6ozs (which is 2 ozs. less than his sick doctor visit because then they weigh them with all there clothes on) and is now 23 ins tall. With his weight in height he comes in the 50%, so he is just right and his head is in the 25%, he is just perfect!!
Gabe is now holding his head up constantly and stands up on his legs all the time. He likes playing in his play seat, which Gigi and PopPop have the same one at there house so that comes in handy.

He likes sucking on his fingers, which I think is a pretty gross habit, but he doesn't really want a pacifier instead. He loves for you to just sit and talk to him and he talks back. PopPop makes funny noises at him and he just laughs. He is such a happy boy and so much fun to be around!! He also loves taking naps with his humpty (thanks Gigi) and watching his mobile (thanks Meme) in his crib!!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Poor Pop Pop

Two weeks ago my Dad (Pop Pop) fell off 12 ft roof while working. It happened in Orlando so the ambulance took him to Orlando Regional Medical Center, which has the main trauma unit and neurosurgeons that he needed to see. After many days we found out that he has a fractured vertebrae in his lower back. He has a brace that holds his back and an extension down his right thigh as well. He was at the hospital from Tuesday afternoon till Saturday morning and Mommy and Gabe went and visited everyday.
Gabe was such a good boy, he would lay with his Pop Pop and talk to him. It was good for him to be able to see all the grand kids when he was feeling pretty bad. He is going to have to wear the brace for 12 weeks the doctor said. Gabe and I have been staying with him during the week so that Gigi could go back to work and not have to worry so much. He has a walker to help him get around and this weekend even ventured out to the mall twice with the grand kids.
Emma thought it was pretty cool that Pop Pop was getting wheeled around just like her. Get well soon Pop Pop, we love you!!

Family Photo Day!

On August 18th we all got together for family pictures. Gigi and Pop pop wanted to get pictures of there kids with spouses and the first set of grand kids, since the second set is already started!!

All of us kids took the opportunity to get great pictures of us and are families as well. Michael and I got some great pictures of us!! Gabe was such a good boy with it being as hot as it was outside and considering we woke him up from his nap to go. Doesn't he look adorable sitting in that tree?

Monday, September 03, 2007

Gabe and his cousins

Gabe is a lucky little dude, he already has 2 cousins to play with and a third on the way.

These are Gabe's cousins, Emma is 17 months, then Charles who is 10 months and little Ethan (Emma's bro) is due at the end of Oct. Emma has been calling Gabe, "Baby" since he was born she knows his name and uses it occasionally, but mostly just likes saying "Baby". Charles just likes poking Gabe in the eyes and it really doesn't bother him too much. Gabe can be crying and if either of these two come around and start talking to him he will get a huge smile on his face. He just really loves his cousins!!

Me and My Bumbo

Gabe loves to sit in his Bumbo!! GiGi and PopPop got it for him and he sits in it all the time now. I think he feels like a big boy when he's in it. Michael likes to put him in it so he can sit and talk to him.

Thanks GiGi and PopPop!!