Gavin is 4 months already, holy cow!!! He went to the doctor last week and he was 15 lbs. 12 ozs. (75%)and 25 inches tall (50%)!!! She said that he was doing great and everything was perfect. Those dimples are just precious!!!

He loves eating his big boy food and I am starting to wean him. Like when I was in the hospital right after he was born we are having problems with formula. When he has a regular formula bottle he throws it all up, we are trying soy like we did when he was little. I have been reading though and it is sounding like he could possibly have a milk allergy. There are many more symptoms but for your sake I won't go on about it. We have an appointment to see his doctor tomorrow and see what we need to do now.

He can hold his head up really well and can sit up somewhat. He leans forward too far and then topples over. He is rolling over from his tummy to his back and can do it to either side. He also scoots all over his crib. He has really started to like laying on the floor playing with his toys and Gabe likes it as well. He is also sleeping all night now as well. He is wearing 9-12 month clothing which is just crazy!!! I am sure I am forgetting things but I try my best.
1 comment:
Thanks! He's so cute. I remember when Charles wore that I am King t-shirt.
I'm sure the milk allergy will be fine, there are lots of formulas out there now. There's gotta be one he can have.
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