It is crazy to think that my little 5 lb baby is going to be 2 in a month!!!! Gabe has more energy in one day then I think I have in a week. He is such a BOY too and I know that anyone who knows Gabe knows what I mean. It seems like every time I plan to go get the boys picture made that Gabe has some new head injury that will not look to good in pictures.

He still really LOVES baseball. He throws, swings the bat and now even plays catcher!!! He will squat down with his glove on and wait for the ball. He still watches it with Daddy and really enjoys it, hopefully that will continue!!!

He is saying new funny things everyday and is really starting to talk in sentences. It is really nice when he knows what he wants and can ask for it, no more confusion.

He is getting to be such a little man and I am one proud Mama!!!
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