All through the store that was all he was talking about so on the way out I told him we would take his picture with the firetruck but he was kind of scared and didn't want to get to close. That is why he is holding on to me so tight in the top picture and looking at the truck, he didn't want to take his eye off of it.
There he is with his Jr. Fire Fighter sticker on!! He wore it around all night and didn't want to take it off!! Such a cutie.
We should plan a field trip day for the kids sometime and take them to the fire station, we could probably take them where John works too! :) Just an idea! :)
That's so cool, Aimee. So, who took the pictures for you guys?
Gigi took the picture.
Yea I think it would be really cool to take the kids to the fire station.
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