In the last couple weeks He has been spitting up 3-4 times after he ate, a lot of spit up. So I asked Dr. Enlow about it and she said to go ahead and start giving him rice cereal, that she thought that would help. She said then in a couple weeks we could start giving him fruits and veggies if he did well with the cereal. I was surprised to hear food already, its a month earlier then we started Gabe, but if she says it's ok then why not. So we gave him some last night and he spit up none last night and only once this morning.
I was really surprised at how well he ate the cereal, he just opened his mouth right up. Hopefully he will be a good eater like his brother is. By the way the blue onsie he has on is a Carter 9 month outfit!!! He loves to smile at you when you talk to him and will try and talk back. Also if I stick my tongue out at him he will stick his right back out at me.
I have gone to storage and gotten some of the toys and things that Gavin is ready to start trying. So far he has been on the fish mat and he likes that a lot and he has also sat in his Bumbo. I got the bouncy seat out as well and we will try that soon, he will just have to be propped a little with pillows at first, like Gabe was.
Sometimes he likes his swing and will take a 2-3 hour nap in it and sometimes he hates it and will scream till you take him out. He also likes laying in his bed watching his mobile and playing with his stuffed animals, when he does get a hold of them he will pull them on top of himself. He does like to stand up on his legs a lot too, which the doctor said is good since he is on the heavy side.

He is sleeping well at night 6 hours at a time. I have also got him on Gabe's nap schedule and they both take a 2-3 hour nap at the same time. It is so nice because I came either sleep myself or just get a lot accomplished.
He is just such a sweet boy but is growing up way too fast, I am trying to catch every special thing he does!!
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