Gabe wore this same outfit to his first game only it was a NB not a 9 month!! Gavin never cried once during the whole game, which was super surprising maybe he will love baseball like his Daddy and brother.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Gavin's First Baseball Game
Gabe wore this same outfit to his first game only it was a NB not a 9 month!! Gavin never cried once during the whole game, which was super surprising maybe he will love baseball like his Daddy and brother.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Duck Lake
Gabe really likes going a lot and just being able to run around. He doesn't usually feed the ducks, he feeds himself. He likes for me to throw the bread and then he laughs when they all fight over it. I think that he himself probably ate about 3-4 pieces of bread while we were there.
We had one swan that followed us around more than half the time and would get within about a foot or less of me wanting more bread. Gabe liked it but it just made me nervous, I don't want to get bite by a crazy swan!! Gavin was not happy at first but then he calmed down and enjoyed the sunshine I think.
It is always nice to get out of the house, Gabe just about has to every couple days or he gets really cranky. I was always on the go with him when he was little and now he wants to be all the time. Gavin likes much more that I can tell to be home so he can be in his crib.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Boucey, bouncey
So obviously Gabe really likes to spin Gavin around when he's in it, the problem is that he always spins him past whatever he starts playing with instead of showing Gavin what he's doing. We are working on it maybe he'll get it soon.
Gabe is really great with Gavin, every once in a while he is a little too ruff but he's getting better.
I just really can't wait until Gavin is a little older and sitting on the floor with Gabe and crawling after him that will be the best!!!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Common Ground Park

He really thought this cup thing was hilarious and wanted to spin round and round!!

Gavin slept most of the time but I think he had a good time too!!!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Gavin 2 months
Sometimes he likes his swing and will take a 2-3 hour nap in it and sometimes he hates it and will scream till you take him out. He also likes laying in his bed watching his mobile and playing with his stuffed animals, when he does get a hold of them he will pull them on top of himself. He does like to stand up on his legs a lot too, which the doctor said is good since he is on the heavy side.

He is sleeping well at night 6 hours at a time. I have also got him on Gabe's nap schedule and they both take a 2-3 hour nap at the same time. It is so nice because I came either sleep myself or just get a lot accomplished.
He is just such a sweet boy but is growing up way too fast, I am trying to catch every special thing he does!!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Surgery for my baby.
It is hard to believe my little man is having surgery but I know he will come out of it better than when he went in. So far this has been a really tuff year for us and we are hoping that we can get past all this and things will turn around. Please continue to pray for Gabe and for strength for Michael and I. We love you all.
***Gabe's surgery will be at Tampa Bay Surgical Center instead of All Children.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Yummy Chocolate
Splash, splash.

After he said "cheese" and took the first picture with me he wanted to give kisses and hugs and Michael got it, I was really glad because it was really sweet!

Yard Work

Then Gigi found a worn in the dirt and brought him that to check out. It didn't turn out well for the worm!!
He had such a good time outside and I know will continue to all Spring and Summer. He doesn't have to be doing anything exciting (half the time he is just wondering around) but he just wants to be out there!! Before we went in he had to help Gigi water the tree, it was really cute.