I haven't posted in a while because I have been in the hospital and recovering from surgery. I had a couple of these episodes while I was pregnant (Christmas night hospital visit) but thought that they were just bad heartburn, turns out we were wrong. It happened last Mon. (Jan. 26th) afternoon but once I threw up the pain went away. Then it happened again Wed. night, midnight to be exact. I woke up with the horrible stomach pain and was in and out of the bathroom all night, this went on till the next morning. Mom called and made an appointment for me with Priority Care for 10:50, by then the pain had began to subside finally. They weren't sure so they ran a bunch of blood work I went home and fell asleep, they called back to tell me I had Pancreatitis. He said that he had called the hospital to tell them I was coming, I needed to check-in immediately. The hospital was full so I could either be in the hall on an adult floor or in pediatrics, we chose pediatrics. I had to stop nursing Gavin but I continued to pump so I could start up again later. I was put on an ice chip diet for a day then was finally aloud clear liquids the next day. They ran TONS of tests, blood work, x-rays, ultrasounds and EKG to find out the cause of the Pancreatitis, turns out it was my gallbladder. I had to wait for the Pancreatitis to go away though before they could do the surgery to remove it. Dr. Thigpen did my surgery finally Sunday morning first thing, I have never been so nervous and scared in my life!
Here I am immediately after returning to my room after surgery. (I am being very brave posting these awful pictures of me!) I had a couple things I had to do before we could go home and I was on top of it, I wanted out!

There is are room, we had the best nurses the whole time. They were very accommodating with Gavin bringing him tons of different formulas till we found one that would work for him. They brought him a crib and diapers even, they were just very helpful. Sunday night I had done what I had to do and we headed home finally!!

1 comment:
We are praising God that everything turned out okay and that you are home and recovering! Hope this week you begin feeling back to normal (whatever that is with 2 kids!) and hopefully we'll be able to see you guys too, Emma misses Gabe and wants to show him her new house! :)
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