So this past Saturday, Valentine's Day was Rays Fan Fest!! We weren't sure if I was going to be up to going yet but I was, that made Michael really happy because he REALLY wanted to go. Once we got inside we realized it wasn't exactly what we were thinking it was going to be.

They opened the doors at 10 am, we had gotten there right before that. Once we got inside we had to get an armband to get autographs with. A lady saw us looking for the line and gave us 3 extra passes she had which saved us $20. So we went and got in line for autographs and where in that same line from about 10:15 till 4:30!!! I couldn't believe how amazing the boys were Gabe never pitched a fit, if he got whiny he would just lay down in the stroller and put his blanket over his face. He has teeth coming through so he did have diarrhea 4 times and we went through all the extra clothes we had taken for him.

It was cool to see the Rays players up close but by the time we got our autographs we were over it, even Michael!!! We got us an enormous Mt. Dew, changed the boys diapers and got the heck outta there!!!

My feet hurt so bad that I could hardly walk back out to the car.
The next morning my arms were killing me from holding Gavin so much, we are going to have to be investing in a double stroller very soon!!!
Gabe was happy to have his music to listen to on the way home he was acting so silly.
That is his Imagination Movers CD he was listening to, it is his new favorite show!!
Gavin was way to exhausted to be excited like his bubba!!
Next Monday we have another Rays baseball adventure to go on to there Spring Training facility in Port Charlotte. It has been completely remodeled and they are having it open for tours, to watch the team practice and get autographs. It is all free, which we like!!!
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