Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Big Boy Adventure!

Gavin 6 weeks

Friday, February 20, 2009
Gabe's Health Issues
1. So Gabe has had a little cold but yesterday it got worse. Michael and I went to Carrabba's last night while Gigi and Pop Pop watched the boys. Gigi gave him a bath and noticed that one of his testicles was really swollen. So when we got home from dinner we decided that we would go ahead and take him to the Nite Owl Pediatrics and go get everything checked. Turns out he had an ear infection, really bad chest cold and then this morning the his pediatrician also said strep throat. The doctor looked at Gabe's testicle and said that we would need to get him to his pediatrician today and have that checked out and get refereed to a urologist. We got him in this morning and it turns out he will have to have surgery to repair the hole that is allowing the fluid into his testicle. It can become very dangerous because his intestines can also start to drop into the testicle as well. At this point we are just waiting for them to get the referral done so we can get this all taken care of. Please keep our little man in your prayers.Pray for Gavin and I as well we have both gotten the same chest cold from Gabe and are not feeling well.
2.So I called his pediatrician this morning to see if they had gotten the referral yet. They said that the Clark and Daughtry urologist wouldn't see him so they would have to send him to All Children's, but they hadn't called them yet. Within about 45 minutes they called me back and said the appointment was for March 24th at the Tampa offices, I was not happy. While I know he is not in pain right now they say at any time if the intestines start to go into the testicle that he will be and that it will be very serious. For me to have to check him constantly for over a month wondering if it looks different I will lose it. So I called All Children's this afternoon and apparently my pediatrician had asked for the Tampa office because it was the closest office. I said I didn't care I would travel to any office I just wanted the earliest appointment I could get. Needless to say the next available appointment is March 3rd at the St. Pete office at 9:55. The said to just keep a close eye on it and let them know if there are any changes or if he seems to be in pain. This will be our appointment with the surgeon for him to examine Gabe and let us know what has to be done exactly. Please continue to Gabe and our family.
3.So Pop Pop called today and got us squeezed in at the Clearwater office, so we jumped in the car and went. He saw Dr. Reisman whom I liked very much, he didn't mind my millions of questions.He said this is called hydrocele, which is a fluid buildup around his testicle. Sometimes they are caused by an infection but he does not believe that is what it is. He says he will wait a month then see Gabe again (at the Lakeland office) if it were from an infection then it will go away before the appointment. He believes it is a hernia and then at the appointment they will schedule surgery. He said that with him having an ear infection, cold and strep throat that they wouldn't do surgery anyways because it increases the risks of the anesthesia. He said that the only thing that makes it an emergency and has to be fixed immediately is if the intestines get stuck in the opening. He says that there will be no question if that does happen because it will be the worst pain Gabe has ever felt, he will freak out and be projectile vomiting everywhere! In that case we would rush him to the ER right away, he said that rarely happens. The appointment made me feel better just because now I am more informed and no what to look for. So we will just play the waiting game and hope things don't get worse. Please pray that it is only an infection and it goes away, even that is not what it is believed to be. Pray that the intestines stay away from the opening and Gabe stays out of pain.They are going to call me with the date of the next appointment in the morning they said and I will then let you all know.
4.The nurse called this morning and said Gabe's next appointment will be March 10th at 9:05 am. She said Dr. Reisman really doesn't feel that it is just an infection so he decided not to wait a whole month. Please continue praying.
It has all been very trying and through all this Gavin and myself (along with Gabe) have had a horrible chest cold and we all still do. Hopefully everyone will be feeling better soon and Gabe will be fine.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Rays Fan Fest

It was cool to see the Rays players up close but by the time we got our autographs we were over it, even Michael!!! We got us an enormous Mt. Dew, changed the boys diapers and got the heck outta there!!!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Gavin 1 month
Gavin is still eating every 3 hours day and night pretty much, every once in a while at night he goes 4 but hardly ever. Hopefully soon we will begin to stretch that out a little longer at night Mommy would enjoy some more sleep. He has started going right back to sleep though after he eats at night instead of staying up and crying. He is still sleeping in the bassinet in our room but I think he is out growing it and is getting less comfortable, he ends up plowed into the side. I think this week sometime we will be moving him to his room and his crib at night.
He is staying awake a lot more during the day and loves for you to talk to him. He also enjoys laying in his crib and watching his mobile and looking at his friends he has in his crib. He also likes to takes naps in his swing some days, the higher the better!! He does still take his pacey but it isn't a constant thing, just mostly when he gets upset he wants it.

These are just some other adorable pictures I took on Thursday and Friday of him. He is just such a precious boy, I feel so blessed to have him in my life!!

My favorite is the top middle, he looks kind of evil!!

These were taken by Pop Pop on Friday when he was babysitting. He was watching Cars for about the 12th time that week, it is his new favorite thing!! Pop Pop said he left the room for just a few minutes and when he came back Gabe was passed out. Too cute!!
Monday, February 09, 2009
Picture Perfect!

They did really well, I was so happy!! Gabe isn't so great at holding Gavin, he just lets his head fall. He wanted to be silly though and I thought it worked out well. The picture of Gabe kissing Gavin's head and Gavin on Gabe's back are my favorites!!
We couldn't get Gabe to hold still long enough to get any good pictures of him by his self. He doesn't understand that he has to hold still for longer then a second for us to get the picture.
Gavin did great!! I couldn't believe we got the picture of him with his eyes open either, it was awesome.
How handsome are my boys!!!
Sunday, February 08, 2009
3 weeks
Sick Mommy!
Here I am immediately after returning to my room after surgery. (I am being very brave posting these awful pictures of me!) I had a couple things I had to do before we could go home and I was on top of it, I wanted out!