I also saw Dr. Granger today and I really liked him. He also has a 2 year old and a 10 month old so he REALLY can understand what I am going through.
So far I still have not been sick or anything, yahoo!!! He wants me to stop taking the Prilosec and only start taking Zantac if I start having a problem. Also gave me a prescription for my migraines if I get any. He did tell me that once I get to 39 weeks he will check me and if I m dilating and my cervix is thinning he would go ahead and induce if I wanted and he would not let me go past 41 weeks. I am sure I am forgetting things but that's what excitement does to ya!!!
We are more excited everyday for this baby!! I am really hoping that since everything is different from with Gabe that maybe this one is a girl!!! We will keep you posted on any changes and updates.
I'm definately thinking girl this time. I was so sick with Ethan but never really had any problems with Emma so we'll see! I can't wait to find out sometime in September. Congrats you guys!
I was sick with both pregnancies, but much less with Isabella. I always knew we were having a girl, but I wanted a boy (until we found out of course), so we'll see what Baby Adams will be!
Was the heartbeat strong? Do you have names picked out, are you going to share them with us?
Take care of yourself and enjoy these early months, because it does not get easier. :-)
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