Gabe has many new things going on in this life it is crazy!!!
1. He now is taking his milk from a sippy cup not a bottle.
2. He not only walks, he runs!!!
3. He imitates things he sees on t.v or what we are doing.
4. He sits and reads his books.
5. He eats all big boy food at regular meals with Mommy and Daddy.
6. He dances anytime he hears music.
7. He sleeps in a big boy bed!!!
Yes, I said big boy bed!!!! We had been thinking about it with the new baby coming so that Gabe will have forgotten about the crib and not want to get in it with the baby.
We had gone to Orlando yesterday to visit Isabella, Charles and their Mommy and Daddy so we deiced to go ahead and stop at Ikea on the way home and buy it.
It it so cute, it is about 2 1/2 feet wide and 5 feet long with a head board, foot board and guard rail. It is only about 6-8 inches off the floor and will last for a long time!!We are going to see about staining it to match his darker wood furniture.
So we put it together last night and thought we would put him in it at bedtime and see what he does. So he was quiet for about 10 minutes then starting crying on and off for about 15 minutes and we were about to go get him and put him in his crib when he stopped!!! He slept all night long never waking up till 8 am this morning!!!! Michael and I put him down for his morning nap and he never cried just slept 2 hours, same thing happened for his afternoon nap!!! So needless to say we took his crib down and he already went to bed tonight without a peep.
He won't get out of his bad until we come in the room, which is so cute!! I am sure that he will be in and out whenever he pleases pretty soon but we will deal with that when it happens.
Our little boy is growing up so fast!!!
Enjoy your sleep while you can. That's all I can say...and you better PRAY your 2nd doesn't give you a hard time. I am SO JEALOUS, you have a sleeping child! :) Neither of mine sleep, it's not fair.....Good job Gabey, you are growing up too fast.....
You are such a big boy Gabe!
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