This post will have tons of pictures because Gabe loves the camera so I constantly have great pictures of him.
It is really unreal how good he has gotten at standing and cruising along all the furniture and his toys. He even walks behind his hippo that we got him for Christmas. He has let go a couple times and of course falls down but he does continue to try. This morning I was sitting on the floor with him and he used my knee to help him up and then stood on his own for about 3 seconds, I was so proud of him!!
He now has his middle 4 teeth, both 2 top and 2 bottom.
This video is from last night and he was in such a good mood!! His normal bedtime is 7:30 but he actually stayed up till 8:30 because he was playing so nice.
I can't ever get a good video of him walking because when he sees me filming him he gets down and crawls over trying to get the camera. He really does it well and can walk all the way down the hallway behind his hippo.
I have gone completely to the sippy cups with straws because the other kind he would just chew on and then be covered in juice. He likes the big boy straw and he also has the ones without the handles because he just holds one handle and beats it in the table. He LOVES eating although you can't tell, he's not a chubby baby at all!!! If someone has food Gabe wants it and he whines until he gets it!! His favorite thing to do is feed himself and that is fine with me because he will sit in his highchair for 20 minutes eating snack and drinking juice.
What a big kid he is becoming!!!