They had free parking off site and then bused you over to the park, we had to wait a little bit for our bus. About 2-3 came and went till we got to the front of the line and Gabe was so excited about riding on the bus!!!
This picture of Gabe riding in the "school bus" as he called it I thought was so beautiful!! Gavin didn't look very amused but he was happy all day!!!

He didn't like all the different kind of monkeys all that much but none of them were really doing anything and they were harder to see.

The giraffe was Gabe's favorite!!!! He loved them and didn't want to leave from looking at them. they had a spot where you could go up to there eye level and feed them but the line was way long and he probably would have been scared then.

Such cute boys at the Zoo!!!

Gabe liked all the fish, manatees and turtles but it was really crowded and hot in those buildings so we didn't look at them very long.
They even had small sharks that he was just in awe of!!
He really liked the Rhinoceroses' they were really close to he could see them really good and thought they were really cool.
Gavin was really a good sport all day and never whined once!!! I know he was hot being carried in that thing most of the day because I was burning up!!

We had to wait just about 5-10 minutes for the bus to come to take us to our car and they both passed out before the bus could get there. They had such a fun day but they were both exhausted!!
Looks like you guys had a blast! I want to take Emma and Ethan but I think we'll wait until the Fall when it cools off some, but we should all try to plan a day to go to Sea World sometime with Angela and Aaron since they have lots of stuff indoors with AC and have the water area.
Yea we want to get the Sea World passes we have just been putting it off. I would love to go to Sea World and I know Gabe would too!!!
On Sept. 13th they have a $5 at Lowry.
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