Thursday, April 30, 2009

Like a Weed

I love having two boys, I wouldn't trade it for anything. The two of them keep me on my toes all day long!!! Gavin is really growing up and Gabe is wanting to play with him more and more.

I got Gavin this new play mat at my favorite consignment store, Kid Krazy the other day. I take things I really don't use or clothes of the boys I'm sick of and get store credit, it really comes in handy when I need things for them. Gavin really loves it as well as Gabe, he crawls under and tries to lay by Gavin or on top of him.
Gavin has started sucking on his thumb sometimes and sometimes he just chews on it. We can already see the two bottom middle teeth, the white through the gums that is. He still wants the pacey but less everyday.

He's getting better at sitting up everyday and when he lay him back on the armrest of the couch he will pull himself to sitting then ends up falling forward usually though.
Daddy knows that the glider is Gavin's favorite place to sit, so whenever Gavin gets fussy that's where Daddy takes him and then Gavin is a goner!!

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