We are having a boy, Gavin Bradley and Gabe is calling him "Bubba" already!!
He let us find out immediately what he was within about a minute of us starting the sonogram. Right away Gabe was said baby when he saw it on the wall, then after we said it was his brother he was saying "Bubba"!

I have been saying that I can feel him moving some already and I saw why on the sonogram, he was doing flips in there!! He was all over the place moving his arms and legs. He even started doing hide and seek with Gabe, hiding his face. He had a very fast heartbeat about 161 beats per minute, our strong little man.

Now we can start figuring out his nursery and getting everything ready for our little monkey!!!
Congrats, Aimee, Michael and Gabe.
We are so excited for a new nephew. Gabe will be a great big brother!
How blessed you are to be a mommy of two boys! Congrats and I can't wait to meet him.
YEAH! I know Gabe will be a great big brother and it will be fun to have two boys. We are excited for you guys. CONGRATS!
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