It is crazy to me to be planning his 1st birthday party, it just doesn't seem like it has almost been a year since we brought him home with us!! It is so fun to watch him learn new things all the time.
He now has 6 teeth and likes to use them. He occasionally will bite but it is when he gets really excited and I am sure he really isn't too aware of what he's doing (I hope not at least)!!
His walking has improved so much and he walks EVERYWHERE!! He can squat down and pick up a toy, stand up from sitting on the floor, turns around and can even step up the step into Gigi's kitchen when he holds onto the facing.
He still loves to tease and does it all the time. Clapping is also a favorite and he actually does it at the appropriate time usually and even usually says "Yea!"
He is just so sweet and fun, this age is really great!!
He is now drinking plain milk and big boy food. He also will only use sippy cups with straws.
He is now drinking plain milk and big boy food. He also will only use sippy cups with straws.
Well be watching for a birthday invitation in the next couple weeks!!!
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