My little man is really growing up and is on the verge of walking. This past Saturday Emma was over and must have really inspired him because since then he has been trying to walk everywhere. He can make it 3-4 feet sometimes but then others he only goes a couple steps. We work on it daily but it's still really early for him to be walking so we are trying not to rush it.

This was Gabe's Easter outfit that he had his picture taken in, Gigi and Pop Pop got it for him.
I couldn't believe it when Michael picked out the lavender shirt, out of blues, yellows and greens but I loved it. The outfit makes him look very grown-up, it is really cute!!
He has also really started talking a lot!!! I am sure he knows what is is talking about but I have no clue!! We always say "Yea!" when he claps and yesterday when he was clapping I think he was trying to say it too. It sounded more like "day" but it was really cute!!
Gabe is now off baby food, he has the snacks and stuff by Gerber for real meals he has whatever we have!! He loves being a big boy and loves all the cool big kid food now!!

I will let you know right now that the thumb sucking picture was not Mommy's idea, it was the photographers!! It has turned into a lot more than doing it just when he's tired but oh well!!
Gabe has also learned how to play peek-a-boo and it is really funny!! Sometimes he will start laughing before he uncovers his face and it really cute. He has also started teasing, he will hold something out to you then when you go to take it he pulls it back. He will do it for as long as you will and he thinks he is really funny!!
Well if you want any pictures of him let me know which you like and in what size and I will print them for you.
I will try to get better at posting more but I hardly take pictures because I am busy with other things, I will do my best though.
1 comment:
I want the one where he is sitting in the chair in a 4x6.
you got a lot of great shots of him. He is so cute and so handsome.
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