WOW!!! He has now been out about as long as he was in!!! Look how cute he is!!!
I know I say the same thing every month but I can't believe how fast time has flown by, he is really growing up fast!! I don't have his weight and height update because he doesn't go to the doctor till next Wed. after that I will post them.
Taking his picture in the glider is nearly impossible now so I do the best I can and do still end up with some really great ones.
Well yesterday was a big break through in walking!!! He has taken a couple steps but never more than one till yesterday. He let go and took 4-5 steps about 6 times yesterday afternoon!!!!
I was so excited and couldn't believe it, he's only 9 months!!!! Gigi came by after work and he walked for her, then when Daddy got home he did it for him a couple times too!!
He also really loves to talk and likes to tell me when I make him mad. He will scream when I tell him "no" and pitches fits. He loves saying "momma", "dada" and "baba"!!! He also growls a lot it is really hilarious!!!
He also likes taking his diaper off now and I got a picture of it that one day I won't put on the blog. I am sure I am forgetting things but I will put anything I don't remember now on when I update with his measurements.
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