These are just some silly pictures of my buddy playing under the highchair. That highchair was his great grandpa's when he was a baby, his great-great grandfather built it. He doesn't actually use this highchair because it has nothing between the crotch and Gabe just slides down, although Emma and Charles get use out of it when they are over.
Some good news is I took Gabe to St. Joseph's on Friday for his appointment with the craniofacial team. We found out that it is nothing to be concerned about, it is called a mytopic (not sure about correct spelling) ridge. It is just were his skull grew together and it is extra bone tissue that protruded out. If we were to want to have it shaved down the doctor said we would have to wait till he was 4 or 5, the skull is too soft and it is too dangerous till then. It doesn't bother Michael and I enough to put him through surgery so unless he decides he doesn't like it when he gets bigger it will stay. It doesn't have the ability to grow so I am sure the older he gets the less noticeable it will be.
Gabe usually eats his dinner before Michael and I but when ours is ready he will not let us get away from not giving him some too.
He loves eating big people food as soon as his top 2 teeth come in I really won't worry about giving him anything and everything we eat.
Which it will be any day now when those teeth come in, this morning I saw the white corner of his right top tooth!!!
He will be so cute with his 4 chompers.
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