At the doctor he had to get 4 shots, 1 of which was oral. The other 3 were horrible, he screamed at the top of his lungs and I felt like a horrible mother for letting them do that to my little peanut. He got over by the time I picked him up off the table he just layed his head on my chest, it was really sweet.
He weighed in at 11lbs 6ozs (which is 2 ozs. less than his sick doctor visit because then they weigh them with all there clothes on) and is now 23 ins tall. With his weight in height he comes in the 50%, so he is just right and his head is in the 25%, he is just perfect!!
Gabe is now holding his head up constantly and stands up on his legs all the time. He likes playing in his play seat, which Gigi and PopPop have the same one at there house so that comes in handy.

Gabe is now holding his head up constantly and stands up on his legs all the time. He likes playing in his play seat, which Gigi and PopPop have the same one at there house so that comes in handy.

He likes sucking on his fingers, which I think is a pretty gross habit, but he doesn't really want a pacifier instead. He loves for you to just sit and talk to him and he talks back. PopPop makes funny noises at him and he just laughs. He is such a happy boy and so much fun to be around!! He also loves taking naps with his humpty (thanks Gigi) and watching his mobile (thanks Meme) in his crib!!

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