WOW, my kid is adorable!!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Maxin' and Relaxin'!
Bouncey Fun
Gabe loves playing in his bouncey seat and has learned to do all the things on it. I can never seem to have the camera ready when he is doing them.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
3 months
He has much better control now of his arms and legs, not as jerky as he used to be. He can grab hold of his toys when sitting in his Bumbo and also move all the toys on his saucer how they all go. We are also pretty sure Gabe is starting to teeth now, he is drooling so much!!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Changing Table Fun
Yay, another video!!
Gabe loves to be on his changing table, he kicks and kicks his feet.
When I put the camera in his face he stops talking as much, I guess he has stage fright.
P.S Also the other videos that come up that say they are related are not. When using YouTube you can't keep them from showing up. Please ignore, any videos of Gabe will be blogged!!
Gabe's Video Debut
It has taken me forever to figure out how to post videos so here goes nothing.
I thought it would be nice for all those who have never met Gabe so that you can get to see him in action.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Busy Boy!

Thursday, September 06, 2007
2 months- a little late!
Gabe is now holding his head up constantly and stands up on his legs all the time. He likes playing in his play seat, which Gigi and PopPop have the same one at there house so that comes in handy.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Poor Pop Pop
Emma thought it was pretty cool that Pop Pop was getting wheeled around just like her. Get well soon Pop Pop, we love you!!
Family Photo Day!
Monday, September 03, 2007
Gabe and his cousins

These are Gabe's cousins, Emma is 17 months, then Charles who is 10 months and little Ethan (Emma's bro) is due at the end of Oct. Emma has been calling Gabe, "Baby" since he was born she knows his name and uses it occasionally, but mostly just likes saying "Baby". Charles just likes poking Gabe in the eyes and it really doesn't bother him too much. Gabe can be crying and if either of these two come around and start talking to him he will get a huge smile on his face. He just really loves his cousins!!