Gabe is talking up a storm!!! Everything we say to him he tries and repeats and usually says it pretty well.
Here is a list of all the words he is saying on his own, even at the appropriate time:
1. frog

2. cookies
3. juice
4. please
5. thank you
6. bite
7. open it
8. truck
9. hot
10. fork
11. baby
12. hot dog
13. dude
14. bat
15. ball
His Daddy taught him "Go Rays" and he says that when they watch games at night!! He learned hot dog from the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse show, they do the hot dog dance at the end of every show. So when he wants to watch it or he sees Mickey or any of the other characters he says "hot dog", he also says "toodles" which they say on the show. It is really cute, he also says Manny when he sees Handy Manny.
He also says Stanley, which is Gigi and Pop Pop's little Schnauzer and likes to hug and pat the dogs.

If you ask him what a dog says, he will say "woof woof"! He can also tell you what a cow says, we are now working on cats and ducks.
He loves waving bye bye and has also started blowing kisses. He mostly just slaps himself anywhere on the face and then throws it away, we hasn't gotten it that the kisses are supposed to come from his mouth. If I ask him for hugs and kisses he will usually give me both and it is my favorite thing. Anytime he sees Daddy kiss Mommy then he wants to kiss Mommy too!!!
His favorite thing to play with in his room now is his golf clubs. He will use any ball he finds and put it right on the rug where he wants it and hit it. He will do this for 20-30 minutes at a time, he is very precise about getting the ball right where he wants it before he hits it.
Anytime we are getting ready to go he has to be the last one because as soon as the shoes are on his feet (he now wears a size 6!!) he runs for the front door. He loves getting out of the house and going places!!
He is getting really bad about throwing fits and is getting many spankings, hopefully this is just a faze and will pass pretty soon!!
He is just such a busy boy and never stops moving!! He has taught himself all these fake smiles and silly faces and it is so funny to watch.
I am sure I have forgotten so many tings but it is hard to remember once I sit down at the computer.

That is his new bag Mommy made him and he loved it he was running all over the house with it around his neck. We thought we could use something a little smaller till little brother comes and we have to get the big diaper bag back out.
On a different note I will be returning to Dr. Mammel on Tuesday so I will give everyone an update then on baby Gavin. They should do a sonogram then on my next visit to measure and everything then we will have new pictures.
Also we got family pictures done last weekend, so I will post those next week after I pick them up.