I took Gabe to the doctor last week for his 1 year check-up and like always he's perfect (
hahha)!! He is 31 1/2 inches tall (93%), 22 lbs. 9
ozs. (50%) and his head is 47 cm (70%).
So he is still tall and lean, just right!!!! Dr.
Ghayal was very proud that he was already sleeping in his big boy bed and that he was drinking only whole milk from a
sippy, not bottle anymore.
He did have to get shots again and didn't like that but was over it as soon as I picked him up and gave him a hug and kiss. I really think that having to lay on his back and being held down makes him more angry then the actual shots do.
Gabe is talking so much now and it is really funny!! He loves saying "WOW" and says it for everything! He also started saying "Pop Pop" which of course makes his Pop Pop very happy. Michael is showing him how to jump and he says "jump" when he tries to do it. Pretty much anything I say he repeats and sometimes it sounds a lot like the word and it is so neat.
He is really growing up and I keep wondering where my little baby went!