Yes, it is true my little man already has his first cold. I really noticed it Monday afternoon when I picked him up after work. He seemed to be sneezing and was just really grouchy, which is very unlike him. Then by Monday night everytime he sneezed he was blowing boogers everywhere. I called the clinic and spoke to the doctor on call, he said to just give him some Infant Tylenol and prop his mattress up, if he began to cough then call them back. Well Tuesday night he had started coughing so Wednesday morning we called our doctor and she wanted to see him.
He had no fever so she said it was just a cold and it would probably pass by the weekend. Mommy got him some nose spray and Infant Tylenol plus Cold. I can already tell a difference this morning. It is just so sad to watch him cough, he just looks so upset and confused. I hope my little bear feels better soon.